Category: Grandparents
Do I Have The Right To Visit My Grandchildren? Oregon’s Third Party Custody Laws Part II
We previously blogged about grandparents and other third parties obtaining custody of children not legally their own. A third party custody case is the most difficult type to pursue, because of the constitutional protections given…
Can I Get Custody Of My Grandchildren? Oregon’s Third Party Custody Statute
As part of our Oregon Divorce practice, we talk to a lot of people interested in obtaining custody of children that are not legally their own. Frequently it is grandparents seeking custody of their grandchildren….
New Case Law – Third Party Visitation
Oregon Court of Appeals in Digby and Meshishnek held that the trial court erred in awarding visitation on the basis of an ongoing personal relationship. The statutes defining “child-parent” relationship and “ongoing personal relationship” have separate requirements that must be shown by different burdens of proof, thus, an ongoing personal relationship is not “lesser included” within an allegation of a child-parent relationship.
New Case Law – Taking the kids back from Grandma
Court of Appeals reverses trial court ruling regarding grandparent’s rights in Oregon.
Can I get custody of my child now if he or she is in danger?
As family law attorneys based in Portland, Oregon, we talk to a lot of parents with safety concerns about the other parent’s home. We hear questions about how to get custody quickly, or change a…
Can I move out with the kids? The “Temporary Protective Order of Restraint” and “Status Quo Order”
As family law lawyers based in Portland, Oregon, potential clients ask us about if they can move out of the family home with the children, or if they can prevent a move. We hear questions…
Information about the mandatory parenting classes in Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington County, Oregon.
*** UPDATE **** THIS INFORMATION CHANGES FREQUENTLY, AND THE MOST RECENT INFORMATION AS OF JULY, 2014 CAN BE FOUND HERE *** As a divorce lawyer in downtown Portland Oregon, I frequently get asked about the…