Category: Child Custody

March 1, 2009

New Case Law – Taking the kids back from Grandma

Court of Appeals reverses trial court ruling regarding grandparent’s rights in Oregon.

January 11, 2009

Expedited Parenting Time Enforcement

We previously blogged about contempt of court as a tool for parenting plan violations.  Contempt is a broad remedy for violations of court orders, but is has some shortcomings for enforcing parenting plan violations.  The…

January 11, 2009

News: Bugged Teddy Bear Backfires!

While wanting to know what is happening in the other parent’s house is understandable, there are some boundaries.  For example, don’t grill the kids about what is happening with the other parent during parenting time. Also,…

January 10, 2009

Divorce Myth: The Police Will Enforce My Parenting Plan

One “Divorce Myth” we come across is the belief that the police or sheriff will help with parenting time and custody disputes.  We hear stories of parents who call the police if the other parent was late returning…

January 6, 2009

Contempt Of Court for Parenting Time Violations

As a family law lawyer, I am always surprised how casually some parents take a parenting plan. We hear a lot of stories about the other parent disregarding terms of the parenting plan.  We hear…

November 12, 2008

New Case Law: Court’s failure to specify parenting plan for father reversed

It is unusual for a court to not award parenting time to the non-custodial parent in a divorce case. Oregon’s stated policy is that good parents should have frequent contact with their children. ORS 107.101…

August 12, 2008

Can I get custody of my child now if he or she is in danger?

As family law attorneys based in Portland, Oregon, we talk to a lot of parents with safety concerns about the other parent’s home. We hear questions about how to get custody quickly, or change a…

May 14, 2008

Can I move out with the kids? The “Temporary Protective Order of Restraint” and “Status Quo Order”

As family law lawyers based in Portland, Oregon, potential clients ask us about if they can move out of the family home with the children, or if they can prevent a move. We hear questions…

May 3, 2008

New Case Law: Moving Away and Modification of Custody and Parenting Time

A “move away” case is where one parent, either in an initial filing or modification, seeks to move a child away from the other parent. Move away cases are hard. In Oregon, the legislature’s stated…

April 19, 2008

Divorce Tech: Web cams and long distance parenting

If you move after a divorce or custody case, how can you preserve your relationship with your children? We live in a mobile society. After a divorce case, sometimes parents move across town, to another…