What rights does a non-custodial parent have?
In addition to the rights provided in the judgment with respect to parenting time and anything else agreed upon between the parties or ordered by the court, a non-custodial parent has certain statutory rights. They are set forth in ORS 107.154 as follows:
107.154 Authority of parent when other parent granted sole custody of child. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, an order of sole custody to one parent shall not deprive the other parent of the following authority:
(1) To inspect and receive school records and to consult with school staff concerning the child’s welfare and education, to the same extent as the custodial parent may inspect and receive such records and consult with such staff;
(2) To inspect and receive governmental agency and law enforcement records concerning the child to the same extent as the custodial parent may inspect and receive such records;
(3) To consult with any person who may provide care or treatment for the child and to inspect and receive the child’s medical, dental and psychological records, to the same extent as the custodial parent may consult with such person and inspect and receive such records;
(4) To authorize emergency medical, dental, psychological, psychiatric or other health care for the child if the custodial parent is, for practical purposes, unavailable; or
(5) To apply to be the child’s conservator, guardian ad litem or both.
This does not mean that the other parent has to provide information to the non-custodial parent, but rather that the non-custodial parent has the right to access said information. A custodial parent’s refusal to provide such information could reflect poorly on him/her in future litigation.