Category: Settlement

January 24, 2008

Collaborative Divorce

Having a trial is a way, but not the only way to resolve your case. There are many tools available for resolving your case other than a trial. Good family law lawyers are problem solvers,…

January 20, 2008

Divorce Myths: Everything must go before we are divorced!

A surprisingly common “divorce myth” we hear in our practice is that division of property must happen before the couple is divorced. There is no such rule! The court’s power to divide property after a…

December 14, 2007

Top 10 list: Top 10 things to NOT do during your divorce.

Divorce is not easy. There are many pitfalls and traps awaiting parties that have not educated themselves about the process. People often make bad decisions under stress, or without the guidance of an experienced lawyer….

December 8, 2007

The easy divorce – the “Settlement Package.”

Divorce can be a long, emotionally difficult and challenging process. It can also be relatively easy if you have a complete understanding of your finances, have a semi-cooperative spouse, and are willing to invest some…